The 28-Day Authentic Leader Challenge

The most powerful tool we have is to be our authentic selves.

Brené Brown

About This Newsletter

Welcome to Brilliance Brief, your weekly dose of actionable wisdom for leaders and high-achievers. Let’s elevate your career and life with practical tips from my C-Suite years, and now my entrepreneurial journey.

Today at a Glance

  • We’re Back!

  • Why Being Authentic Makes You a Better Leader

  • Your 28-Day Authenticity Challenge

  • New Feature: Send Me Your Questions

  • Looking for my free cheat sheet library? Link’s at the end.

[6-min read]

Hey Brilliance Brief community!

What began as a short summer pause turned into a 3-month adventure as I dove headfirst into launching my new social media marketing agency.

These past months have been a whirlwind of building a team, navigating the rollercoaster of startup life, and rediscovering what it means to lead in a completely new context.

I’ve missed sharing insights with you all, and I’m thrilled to be back in your inbox. This break has given me a fresh perspective on leadership and how to balance ambition with well-being. I can’t wait to unpack it all with you in the coming weeks.

A warm welcome to the 2,142 new members 👋 who’ve joined us recently. You’ve picked an exciting time to hop on board!

To our loyal readers who’ve stuck around: thank you for your patience. Your support means the world, and I’m eager to reconnect and share the lessons I’ve learned.

Now, let’s dive back in with an infographic I created and explore what it truly means to lead authentically. (The post is nearing 1M impressions on LinkedIn over just the last few days.)

Why Being Authentic Makes You a Better Leader

Early in my career, I had it all wrong.

I thought leadership was about having all the answers, maintaining tight control, and giving orders. I couldn’t have been more mistaken.

True leadership, I’ve learned, is about guiding rather than forcing. It’s about inspiring, not controlling. Influencing, not micromanaging. And at the heart of this approach? Authenticity.

It turns out, people naturally gravitate toward those who are genuine.

There’s a powerful concept in psychology called the Pratfall Effect. It says people are more likable and relatable when they make mistakes or display vulnerabilities.

Why? Because to be flawed is to be human. And we relate to humanity.

The same principle applies in leadership. When we show our authentic selves — strengths and weaknesses alike — we become more relatable. More human.

And paradoxically, more influential.

By embracing authenticity, you create space for others to do the same. Team members feel more comfortable sharing ideas, challenging one another, and giving honest feedback.

The Science of Authenticity

Research backs up the power of authentic leadership.

A study in the Journal of Business Ethics found that authentic leaders inspire higher employee engagement and job satisfaction. Another study in The Leadership Quarterly showed that teams led by authentic leaders performed better and were more creative.

But why? It turns out our brains are wired to detect authenticity.

When we encounter genuine behavior, it activates regions associated with trust and positive emotions. We’re naturally drawn to leaders who show their true selves.

Now, being authentic doesn’t mean oversharing or ignoring professional boundaries.

Instead, it's about:

  • Aligning your actions with your values

  • Admitting when you don’t have all the answers

  • Creating space for others to do the same

Your 30-Day Authenticity Challenge

Ready to strengthen your authentic leadership muscles? Here’s your month-long challenge:

(Note: Even if you’re not in a leadership role, being more authentic can improve your personal relationships, too.)

Week 1: Know Your “Why”

  • Day 1: Identify your top 3 personal values. Here’s a list I love from Brené Brown to give you some ideas. Not sure how to choose? (I wasn’t either ✋.) Use these self-reflection questions to help:

    1. Which values have consistently guided my decisions in the past?

    2. Which values make me feel most alive and fulfilled?

    3. If I were to lose everything, which values would I hold on to?

    4. Which values influence how I want to impact others?

    5. Which values bother me most when they’re compromised?

  • Day 2: With your 3 values in mind, reflect on your purpose. Ask yourself:

    1. What impact do I want to make? Who or what do I want to help, and why does it matter to me?

    2. How do my values guide my decisions? What do they inspire me to do?

    3. Why do I care about this impact? What personal experiences of beliefs drive my motivation?

  • Day 3: Create a simple, focused statement. Keep it clear, actionable, and authentic. For example:

    • My purpose is to inspire growth in others through compassion, creativity, and integrity so they can unlock their full potential.

  • Day 4: Test it for authenticity. Ask yourself:

    1. Does this reflect who I am at my core?

    2. Does it excite and motivate me?

    3. Can I live by this statement in both my personal and professional life?

Your “Why” statement should feel true to you and provide direction for your decisions and actions. It’s your personal guide to living with purpose and authenticity.

Week 2: Practice Vulnerability

  • Day 8: Admit something you're currently struggling with to your team (or a friend).

  • Day 9: Ask for help on a project you’re finding challenging.

  • Day 10: Share a failure and what you learned from it.

Week 3: Build Integrity

  • Day 15: Identify a promise you’ve been putting off. Take the first step to fulfill it today.

  • Day 16: When faced with a decision, ask yourself, “What would the leader (or person) I aspire to be do?”

  • Day 17: Have a difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding. (This one’s tough.)

Week 4: Lead with Heart (even if you don’t have a leadership role) 

  • Day 22: Recognize a team member for something other than work performance.

  • Day 23: Ask a colleague how they’re really doing. Listen without trying to fix.

  • Day 24: Make a decision that prioritizes long-term team well-being over short-term gains.

  • Days 25 - 28: Keep it up! Authenticity is a practice, not a destination. Some days will be easier than others. The key is consistency and self-reflection.

As you go through this challenge, pay attention to how it affects your interactions, decisions, and overall leadership impact.

I’d love to hear about your experiences. Hit reply and let me know how it’s going. I read every message.

Diving Deeper

Want to explore authenticity further? Here are some great resources:

Brilliance Boost (Q&A)

Each week, I’ll select a reader’s question and provide actionable advice based on my experience. These insights aren’t just for the asker. They're lessons for all of us (me included). Let’s dive into this week’s question...

Hi Justin,

What’s the best way to give feedback to someone who gets defensive easily?

Thanks so much!

Thanks for your question, Laura! Here’s how I approach this delicate situation:

  1. Create a safe environment. Have the conversation in a neutral space, like over coffee or a private Zoom call.

  2. Ask for permission. “Is now a bad time to talk about something I’ve noticed that could help you grow? Would you be open to discussing it?”

  3. Use the Situation-Behavior-Impact Model (h/t Center for Creative Leadership). Describe the specific situation, the observed behavior, and its impact.

  4. Focus on observations, not judgments. “I’ve noticed you tend to speak over others in meetings” rather than “You’re too aggressive.”

  5. Invite their perspective. Ask, “How do you see it?” This shows you value their input.

  6. Collaborate on a solution. “What do you think we could do to address this?”

Remember, the goal is to help the person grow, not to win an argument. It might take time to see progress, so be patient and consistent.

Have a question? Reply to this email and ask away. I’d love to hear from you.

Connecting The Dots

Authentic leadership isn’t about perfection. It’s about being genuinely you. Give the 28-day challenge a try. You might be surprised at the positive impact it creates.

Until next week, my friends, lead with heart,



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