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  • The 27% of Companies Thriving Right Now—Here’s How to Join Them

The 27% of Companies Thriving Right Now—Here’s How to Join Them

These companies are navigating disruption like pros. Here’s their secret playbook.

Innovation isn’t something you do only when cash is flowing or inflation is down. It has to be ingrained as a core capability in your organization.

Kelly Monahan, Head of The Upwork Research Institute

About Brilliance Brief

Your go-to for practical, no-nonsense advice. Each week, I share real-world tips from my years in the C-Suite and now as an entrepreneur—helping you lead with confidence, grow your career, and live with purpose.

Today at a Glance

  • How 27% of companies are thriving in uncertain times

  • Practical tips to future-proof your business

  • Exclusive: Free Work Innovators Report

This Week’s Sponsor

Today’s issue is sponsored by Upwork, the world’s work marketplace. The Upwork Research Institute just launched the 2024 Work Innovators Report. It’s filled with insights on how top-performing companies are thriving using smart, forward-thinking strategies. I highly recommend checking it out. It’s free and full of actionable takeaways that can help you lead your team through today’s rapidly changing work environment.

[3-min read]

The 27% of Companies Thriving Right Now

Disruption is everywhere. It’s no longer the exception; it’s the rule.

But did you know 27% of companies aren’t just surviving—they’re thriving? These businesses, known as Work Innovators, have figured out how to turn uncertainty into opportunity.

I recently dove into the Work Innovators Report from The Upwork Research Institute. It’s packed with powerful insights.

The report is based on a survey of 1,500 companies. And these aren’t small players. Many are global and generate over $9.9 billion in revenue. They represent industries like manufacturing, software, retail, and more.

The executives surveyed face the same challenges we all do. But Work Innovators are driving real success by doing things differently.

Even better: You don’t need a huge budget or risky strategies to follow their lead.

What Sets Work Innovators Apart?

So, what exactly are these Work Innovators doing that’s different?

According to the report, they focus on three key areas:

  • Smart use of technology
    Work Innovators don’t just adopt the latest tools—they carefully align technology like AI within their existing systems. Seamless integration is key. This helps them cut operating costs by 30%.

  • Flexible talent strategies
    These companies tap into external talent, like freelancers, to fill skill gaps and stay nimble. This approach allows them to stay agile and boost cash flow. In fact, they’re 18% more likely to report positive free cash flow than their peers.

  • Building a culture of innovation
    Work Innovators create a culture where innovation isn’t just encouraged—it’s a core value. They keep their teams engaged by investing in their reskilling and upskilling. Despite these investments, they maintain a 13% lower debt-to-equity ratio.

To make this even more practical, I created an infographic in partnership with The Upwork Research Institute. It breaks down five steps Work Innovators use to future-proof their teams—and how you can implement them too.

My Experience as a CIO

As a former CIO at a multi-billion-dollar global company, I understand firsthand the importance of future-proofing a business.

We faced constant pressure to innovate, whether it was upgrading our systems or shifting to a skills-based operating model.

But one of the biggest lessons I learned was this: chasing every new trend can be a distraction for the whole company.

We had to stay focused on two things—maintaining sustainable, profitable growth and ensuring our teams could deliver for clients.

That’s why the Work Innovators Report resonated with me. It shows that successful companies don’t take huge risks or throw money at every new technology.

They prioritize their people, integrate innovation thoughtfully, and focus on long-term success.

How You Can Follow Their Lead

The best part? You don’t need a massive budget to do what these companies are doing.

Want to follow their lead? Here are a few simple actions you can take today:

  1. Audit your technology stack
    Are your tools helping, or are they creating silos? Streamline your systems for maximum efficiency and cost savings.

  2. Tap into flexible talent
    Use freelancers to fill skill gaps on specialized projects. This keeps your core team agile without overextending them.

  3. Invest in your people
    Keep your team engaged through continuous learning. Reskilling and upskilling prepare them to embrace new technologies with confidence.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re looking for more insights on how to future-proof your business, I highly recommend reading Upwork’s Work Innovators Report. It’s free, insightful, and packed with actionable strategies from top-performing companies around the world.

Click here to read the full report for free.

By following the lead of these Work Innovators, you can navigate today’s disruption with confidence—and set your business up for long-term success.

Until next time, keep innovating,
