My Top 20 Infographics of 2023

Good infographics tell a story that words alone can’t.

Edward Tufte
[2-min read]

The Journey of a LinkedIn Creator

2023 has been a transformative year for me.

Just seven months ago, I made my first-ever post on LinkedIn. It seems like only yesterday, yet so much has changed.

Three months in, I ventured into creating my first infographic. And now? I’m reaching over 130,000 people weekly through email and social media.

This journey reminds me it’s never too late to start a new chapter.

It’s a testament to the power of self-belief, determination, and deliberate practice.

Pivoting careers or starting anew might seem daunting — I know it did for me. But it's absolutely possible.

The Best of 2023: My Top 20 Infographics

As we wrap up the year, let’s take a moment to revisit the highlights.

Here are my top 20 infographics of 2023 in the order I created them. Each one is a piece of my journey:

  1. On Improving Your Productivity (Post | PDF)

  2. On Cognitive Biases (Post | PDF)

  3. On Setting Priorities (Post | PDF)

  4. On Achieving Goals (Post | PDF)

  5. On Mental Models (Post | PDF)

  6. On How to Learn (Post | PDF)

  7. On How to End Procrastination (Post | PDF)

  8. On How to Negotiate (Post | PDF)

  9. On Thinking Traps (Post | PDF)

  10. On Removing the Limits in Your Own Mind (Post | PDF)

  11. On the Ivy Lee Method (Post | PDF)

  12. On Business Strategy (Post | PDF)

  13. On Positive Psychology (Post | PDF)

  14. On Quiet Quitting — the Signs and Causes (Post | PDF)

  15. On Choosing to Leave Behind What Doesn’t Grow You (Post | PDF)

  16. On Stress Management (Post | PDF)

  17. On Stakeholder Management (Post | PDF)

  18. On Killers of Company Culture and How to Fix Them (Post | PDF)

  19. On Empathy (Post | PDF)

  20. On What Great Leaders Say to Build Strong Teams (Post | PDF)

Connecting the Dots

This journey underscores a powerful message: Believe in yourself and chase your dreams. My venture from corporate executive into the world of social media creation was a leap of faith.

If there’s a dream or a new venture you’re contemplating, let this be your sign to go for it. Your next chapter is waiting to be written, and it’s never too late to pick up the pen (or hit the keyboard).

Until next time, here’s to your dreaming big and making those dreams a vivid reality.

Oh, and I’ve got a lot more in store for you in 2024. Happy New Year!
