My Most Viral LinkedIn Posts of the Last 12 Months

Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.

Steve Jobs

About This Newsletter

Welcome to Brilliance Brief, your weekly dose of actionable wisdom for leaders and high-achievers.

Today at a Glance

  • My Top 20 Most Viral Posts of the Last Year

  • Brilliance Boost: Getting Upper Management to Follow the Same Standards as Employees

  • Looking for my free cheat sheet library? Link’s at the end.

[6-min read]

Hey Brilliance Brief community!

Can you believe we’re already 3/4 of the way through 2024? It’s been a whirlwind year of growth and learning.

A year ago, I was just beginning to explore LinkedIn content creation.

Fast forward to today, and I’m blown away by how much has changed.

From my first nervous post to now — more than 550 infographics created for myself and other top influencers — it’s been quite the journey.

The numbers still astound me: my LinkedIn posts have reached over 202 million people just in the last 12 months!

And even more importantly, they’ve garnered more than 2.5 million engagements.

That’s not just a number — it’s 2.5 million moments of connection, shared insights, and community building.

While I’m proud of this growth, I’m keenly aware it wouldn’t have happened without you.

Your consistent engagement and thoughtful feedback have been key to shaping my content and driving its reach.

So thank you!

To mark this milestone, I’ve put together a list of my top 20 LinkedIn posts of the last year. Each was viewed over 2,000,000 times.

Let’s revisit some of the highlights together.

1) Quiet Quitting: The Signs and the Causes (12.1M total impressions)

2) How to Ace Your Job Interview (11.8M total impressions)

3) Most Important Motivators at Work (9.3M total impressions)

4) Integrity is Getting Harder to Find (9.3M total impressions)

5) 12 Brutal Truths Every Employer Needs to Read (6.1M total impressions)

7) Your Title Doesn’t Make You a Leader (5.4M total impressions)

8) Killers of Company Culture (and How to Fix Them) (4.9M total impressions)

9) 8 Ways to Display Emotional Intelligence (4.7M total impressions)

10) Ikigai: Your Reason for Being (4.7M total impressions)

11) What People Think Empathy Is (4.3M total impressions)

12) What Great Leaders Say to Build Strong Teams (3.8M total impressions)

13) 48 Questions for Critical Thinking (3.6M total impressions)

14) Why Toxic Leaders Get Promoted (3.5M total impressions)

16) 11 Laws of Effective Leadership (3.1M total impressions)

17) 9 Mindsets of the Most Successful People (2.7M total impressions)

18) Emotional Intelligence is Knowing… (2.6M total impressions)

19) 12 Ways to Build Trust (2.4M total impressions)

20) Do You Need to Have a Meeting? (2.2M total impressions)

Wow, what a difference a year makes!

From barely showing up on LinkedIn’s radar a year ago to now being ranked among the most influential creators on the platform — it’s been quite a ride.

But you know what? Your support is the best part of all this.

Every time you engage with a post, we’re growing this amazing community together. Thank you!

Oh, and if we’re not connected on LinkedIn yet, I’d love to change that. Come say hi.

By the way…we’ve got many more great posts coming up in 2024, so stick around!

Brilliance Boost (Q&A)

Each week, I select a reader’s question and provide actionable advice based on my experience. These insights aren’t just for the asker. They're lessons for all of us (me included). Let’s dive into this week’s question...

Hi Justin,

I’m struggling to get upper management to follow the same standards I’m asked to enforce on employees. I create training programs to promote professionalism, but when I present these ideas to management, they push back and say they’re unrealistic. It’s frustrating. Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance!

Best, Sharon

Hi Sharon,

I hear you, and that sounds incredibly frustrating. It’s tough when you’re trying to lead by example, but those above aren’t holding themselves to the same standards.

Here’s the thing: culture always starts at the top. If upper management isn’t on board, it can make your job feel like an uphill battle.

Here are a few things you might try:

  1. Frame it in terms they care about. Instead of focusing on the training itself, highlight how professionalism impacts the company’s bottom line. Talk about things like customer satisfaction, employee retention, and reputation — things upper management can’t ignore.

  2. Use data. If possible, gather evidence. Show them how companies that have leadership modeling positive behavior tend to perform better. Numbers speak louder than opinions.

  3. Make it manageable. Sometimes, people push back because they feel overwhelmed. Start with small changes that are easier to digest, then build on those over time.

  4. Find an ally. Is there someone in upper management who sees the value in what you’re doing? Get them on board to help champion the cause from within.

  5. Stay patient but persistent. Change takes time, especially when it’s about shifting behavior at the leadership level. Keep reinforcing the benefits, and don’t get discouraged if it’s a slow process.

You’re doing important work, and eventually, the value will become undeniable. Hang in there!

Best regards,

Have a question? Reply to this email and ask away. I’d love to hear from you.

That’s all for this week. Until next time, stay brilliant!



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Want to achieve similar jaw-dropping results for your personal or company brand on LinkedIn? 🚀

Here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Personalized coaching to grow and monetize your audience.

  2. World-class cheat sheet creation in your voice and style.

  3. LinkedIn done-for-you services tailored for busy leaders.

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